This from The New York Times:
LONDON — The young, thin model wore a bright yellow bikini and stared seductively at passers-by.
“Are you beach body ready?” asked the ad for Protein World, a maker of dietary supplements. The ad was defaced in subway stations across London when it appeared in April 2015, and it drew strong protests.
Monday, London’s new mayor, Sadiq Khan, announced a ban on such ads —
which critics call “fat-shaming” — from London’s public transportation
system starting in July, saying the messages encourage unhealthy body
images for young women.
the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this
kind of advertising, which can demean people, particularly women, and
make them ashamed of their bodies,” Mr. Khan said.
“Nobody should feel pressurized, while they travel on the Tube or bus,
into unrealistic expectations surrounding their bodies.”
Read the full story here: